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Leland’s Fight

A urgent appeal.

An urgent appeal to find a donor to help Leland and his family. 

“9 months  ago our world changed forever. Leland was a happy little 5 year old enjoying seeing Santa and spending Christmas with the family.  He developed a cough that didn't seem to want to go away.  A visit to our local GP where they decided to take blood, quickly found that Leland's white blood cells did not seem as they should be. Over the next few months of visits to Sunderland's haematology department and numerous blood tests for this little man the doctors decided to refer him to the RVI. There Leland was to undergo a Bone marrow biopsy to determine the cause.  On Thursday 8th September the devasting news that Leland was diagnosed with MDS/pre leukemia and is in urgent need of a Bone marrow transplant.  Unfortunately none of the family are a match and as a mum I am heartbroken to not be able to give this gift to my wonderfully brave boy.  Please if I can ask if you can spare 2 minutes of your time taking a swab to see if there is a potential match.  I would be entirely grateful.“

 Under 30's it is  https://www.anthonynolan.org/

Over 30's it is 


Published Sunday 2nd October 2022